Media Statements

Coronation of King of AmaMpondo AseNyandeni to Take Place

The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Zweli Mkhize, wishes to announce that the Royal Family of AmaMpondo aseNyandeni Kingship will be hosting the coronation of His Majesty King Mangaliso Ndamase (Ndlovuyezwe!), at Nyandeni Great Place, Libode in the Eastern Cape Province on the 3rd of October 2018.

The ceremony will take the form of the formal investiture, involving the performance of AmaMpondo aseNyandeni traditional and customary ritual and enrobement of the king. The ceremony will also include the taking of a special oath of office administered by a designated member of the judiciary.

The Coronation will be the second of a King since the dawn of democracy following that of His Majesty King Mpendulo Calvin “Zwelonke” Sigcawu King of the amaXhosa Kingship. His Majesty King Ndamase is the sixth Kumkani/King of the Western Pondoland or AmaMpondo AseNyandeni following in the footsteps of those who came before him.

The Presidency of the Republic has designated 3 October 2018 as the date on which the President will officially hand over the certificate of recognition to the AmaMpondo Kingship and His Majesty during the coronation ceremony. This follows the recognition of amaMpondo ase Nyandeni as a Kingship and King, respectively by government in 2010.

His Majesty King Ndamase Ndlovuyezwe Ndamase is the son of the late King Makaziwe Ndamase and the late Queen Bhongolwethu Ndamase. King Ndamase took over his position as King in 2008 at the age of 24 years from his mother, Queen Fikelephi Bongolethu Ndamase – “Queen Mother” who had been the Queen Regent  for 11 years. Sadly, the Queen Mother who worked tirelesly to unite the AmaMpondo AseNyandeni passed away on 08 June 2018.

The coronation will take place under the theme, “Together celebrating the heritage of AmaMpondo AseNyandeni” “Sisonke sibhiyozela inkcubeko yamaMpondo AseNyandeni” and is in line with government’s approach to restore the institution of traditional leadership.

The historic event will take place in the year celebrating the centenary of Former President Nelson Mandela  who was also a traditional leader. The Coronation will be held in celebration of his contribution in cementing democracy while also respecting and recognising the institution of traditional leadership and the rich cultural heritage of our country.

The coronation also takes place as the country marks the centenary of Mama Albertina Sisulu who played an important role in the liberation struggle and was a key champion of the rights of women. The coronation will celebrate Mama Sisulu through the contribution of Queen Mother Bhongolwethu Ndamase who worked tirelesly to unite AmaMpondo AseNyandeni during her 11 years reign as Queen Regent, proving the capability of women as leaders.

Minister Mkhize has urged South Africans across our country to support this key milestone in the journey of our democracy as it symbolises the importance of the institution of traditional leadership. Section 211 of the Constitution of South Africa, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996), recognises the institution, status and role of traditional leadership.

All three spheres of government  (National, Eastern Cape Provincial government and surrounding Municipalities) are working together to ensure the success of this important ceremony.

Issued by – Ministry of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs



Legadima Leso

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