Media Statements

Government Issues Certificate Of Recognition to Kumkani Zanozuko Tyelovuyo Sigcau as the King of Amampondo

Government has issued a certificate of recognition to His Majesty Kumkani Zanozuko Tyelovuyo Siqcau as the King of AmaMpondo in terms of the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act, 2003 (Act No.42 of 2003).

Government began the process of recognizing Mr Zanozuko Tyelovuyo Siqcau as the King of AmaMpondo in terms of the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act, 2003 (Act No.42 of 2003 following the Constitutional Court judgment of 11 September 2018.

As per legislation, the certificate of recognition as the King of AmaMpondo was signed by President Cyril Ramaphosa and this was followed by the publication of an official notice in the Government Gazette 42068, on Friday 30 November 2018.

The process for recognition of a king or a queen is outlined in Section 9(2)(a) and (b) of Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act. According to Section 9(2)(a) and (b) of the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act ‘the recognition of a person as a king or a queen in terms of subsection (1) (b) must be done by way of

  • (a) notice in the Gazette recognising the person identified as a king or queen, and
  • (b) the issuing of a certificate of recognition to the identified person.

The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Dr Zweli Mkhize has extended good wishes to Kumkani Zanozuko Sigcau and the amaMpondo people.


Issued by – Ministry of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Enquiries: Musa Zondi on 073 800 6449