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Shukuma Mzansi! SA-EU Dialogue: Democracy in the Context of Culture  

The Department of Cooperative Governance (DCOG) in partnership with the Sibikwa Arts Centre will host the fourth installment of the Shukuma Mzansi! South Africa (SA) – European Union (EU) Dialogue under the theme Democracy in the Context of Culture. This stimulating dialogue will explore culture as an essential tool to strengthening active citizenry and participatory governance, especially at local government level.  

The 4th Shukuma Mzansi dialogue will be hosted from 1 – 3 March 2022, in association with SA-EU strategic partners including the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), the South African Cities Network (SACN) and EU partner countries: Italy, Ireland, Flanders, France and Sweden. During his recent State of the Nation Address, President Ramaphosa called for a new consensus that embraces our shared responsibility to one another and acknowledges the broad-based democratic ownership of municipal policies to ensure integrated and inclusive development within national and global agendas.

This dialogue will be preceded by the launch of the Small Towns Regeneration Strategy (STR) led by the Deputy Minister of COGTA, Ms Thembi Nkadimeng. The STR is an integral instrument for driving spatial integration to forge new spatial settlements; inclusion and access to ensure that people have access to social and economic opportunities; and growth to harness urban/rural dynamism for inclusive, sustainable economic growth and development; as well as governance to enhance the capacity of the state and its citizens to work together.

Members of the Media are invited to cover the launch of the Small-Towns Regeneration Strategy as follows:

Venue: Sibikwa Arts Centre, Corner Bolton & Liverpool Rd, Benoni.

Date: Monday, 28 February 2022

Time: 16:00 -19:00

Please register and reserve a ticket via this link: https://qkt.io/Shukuma_Mzansi   

Framed within the District Development Model (DDM) and the Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF), both of which promote an all of government and society approach to governance, the dialogue seeks to answer the following questions inter alia:

  1. What are the best practice approaches to achieve cultural, democratic and inclusive municipalities?
  2. Do the existing metro and municipal policy and operational environments enable the adoption, adaptation and incorporation of these strategies?
  3. What role do/can community arts centres play in facilitating active citizenship and participatory governance?

The three-day dialogue will include live-streamed sessions, digital and live performances and SA-EU virtual study tours illustrating the work done to promote cultural diversity and inclusion, enhance participatory governance, and build social infrastructure that allows for safe, democratic and creative connections resulting in a ‘Local Cultural Governance Change Agenda’.

Members of the Media are further invited to cover the 4th Shukuma Mzansi: SA-EU Dialogue as follows:

Venue: Sibikwa Arts Centre, Corner Bolton & Liverpool Rd, Benoni.

Dates: 1 – 3 March 2022

Event link: https://qkt.io/Shukuma_Mzansi

Enquiries: Siya Dokoda | siya@dokodamanagement.co.za | +27 71 261 6625 or Legadima Leso | LegadimaL@cogta.gov.za | 066 479 9904 and Stefanie Chetty | StefanieC@cogta.gov.za l 066 474 9022