Hazards & Disasters: Stay Prepared! Disasters and Emergencies Learn more about disasters Planning Ahead What to do? Useful Toolkits Early Warning EARTHQUAKES AND TREMORSWhen the ground shakes, we all feel
Hazards & Disasters: Stay Prepared! Disasters and Emergencies Learn more about disasters Planning Ahead What to do? Useful Toolkits Early Warning EARTHQUAKES AND TREMORSWhen the ground shakes, we all feel
Hazards & Disasters: Stay Prepared! Disasters and Emergencies Learn more about disasters Planning Ahead What to do? Useful Toolkits Early Warning EARTHQUAKES AND TREMORSWhen the ground shakes, we all feel
South Africa faces a range of hazards but the main disaster-generating hazards include flooding, fires, drought, windstorms, hail, lighting, and seismic events such as landslides.
Focuses on the specific measures and strategies in place to mitigate the impact of droughts, including water conservation efforts and drought response plans.
The country has early warning systems to monitor rainfall, water levels, and other indicators. This allows for early detection of drought conditions, enabling timely intervention and preparedness.
Public awareness campaigns promote water conservation practices, and water demand management initiatives are implemented to ensure efficient water use across sectors.
Investment in water infrastructure, such as dams, reservoirs, and water supply systems, aims to enhance the country’s capacity to store and distribute water efficiently, especially during periods of water scarcity.
Regular assessments of drought risk, vulnerability, and impact help inform planning and resource allocation for drought response and mitigation.
Considering the impact of climate change on water availability, the country incorporates climate change adaptation strategies into water resource management plans.
Ongoing research and development efforts focus on innovative solutions for drought resilience, including technologies for water harvesting, efficient irrigation, and drought-resistant crops.
The country is divided in two seasonal rainfall regimes that includes the winter rainfall areas from May to August for the southeast and western regions and October to March for the northern and eastern coastal belt of South Africa.
It looks at the governmental responsibilities, coordination efforts, and support systems to protect and assist citizens during disasters.
It looks at the governmental responsibilities, coordination efforts, and support systems to protect and assist citizens during disasters.
The Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries developed the National Climate Change Adaption Strategy among other interventions. The key outcome for this strategic intervention is to work towards “Increased resilience and adaptive capacity achieved in human, economic, environment, physical and ecological infrastructure vulnerability.” Scaling up and replicating adaptation interventions are considered an effective and efficient way to reduce vulnerability and build adaptive capacity. These interventions or projects are spread across various sectors within the country to reduce the level of vulnerabilities within communities and these include:
Explores the collaborative efforts and partnerships with international bodies and neighbouring nations to enhance disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
Regional Cooperation:
African Union (AU) Involvement:
Bilateral Agreements:
International Humanitarian Partnerships:
Foreign Aid and Assistance:
Participation in Global Initiatives:
Capacity Building and Training:
Information Sharing:
Diplomatic Channels: