Minister Dlamini Zuma has today congratulated the National House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders (NHTKL) for successfully hosting the first opening session of the Sixth House. The Minister acknowledged that the members of the House take up office at time when the country is facing multiple challenges. The Minister indicated that traditional leaders are better placed to translate the needs of rural communities into strategies. She urged them to lead the changing of the landscape and fortunes of rural communities.
The Minister further urged traditional leaders to leave no one behind in dealing with challenges that face communities, this including the challenge of disasters such as the recent floods and droughts. These challenges, she indicated, require all stakeholders to ensure that the assignment of land use is informed by the appreciation of the possible climatic risks that may exist.
The Minister concluded by observing the unfortunate challenges the country faces regarding the killing of traditional leaders especially in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, citing the recent killing of Inkosi Zwelakhe Ndaba of Ntambamhlophe, in uThukela that has shattered the country. She indicated that this is a matter that has been elevated to the work of the Inter-Ministerial Task Team on Traditional Affairs which is chaired by the Deputy President.