Outcomes of the 5th CoGTA MINMEC Meeting

The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA), Hon. Velenkosini Hlabisa, convened the 5th CoGTA meeting of the Minister and Members of the Executive Council (MECs) on December 3rd, 2024. This meeting marked the final gathering of the year and provided an excellent opportunity for stakeholders to outline their preparations for the upcoming year. By focusing on common goals, stakeholders can enhance their collaborative efforts and ensure that programs and projects are effectively implemented to transform lives in a meaningful way.

This strategic meeting brought together key sector leadership figures, including CoGTA Deputy Minister Prince Zolile Burns-Ncamashe, Provincial CoGTA Heads of Department, the leadership of the National House of Traditional and Khoisan Leaders (NHTKL), representatives from the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), the Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB), and Directors-General (DGs) and Heads of Departments (HoDs).

The meeting occurred against the backdrop of recent adverse weather conditions, with the South African Weather Service (SAWS) issuing warnings about a heatwave sweeping across the country. The heatwave has made conditions unbearable in some areas, necessitating that communities take extra precautions to avoid dehydration. Several critical issues within the CoGTA portfolio were discussed and considered by the meeting:

1. Standard Transfer Specification (STS) and Token Identifier (TID) Rollover:
MINMEC is pleased to share an update on the progress of the Standard Transfer Specification (STS) and Token Identifier (TID) Rollover. Currently, 94.6% of meters have been successfully updated, which is a significant achievement. To those in the remaining 5.4% who are still in the conversion process, we encourage you to complete this task as soon as possible to prevent any unintended issues.

Although the initial deadline of the 24th has passed, we are happy to announce an extension of the validity period for an additional six months, now set to conclude on May 31, 2025. This extension allows municipalities to continue generating key change tokens, ensuring a smooth transition for all.

We also want to reach out to individuals who have been using bypassed meters. We invite you to come forward and receive legally converted meters that will allow you to access electricity without any complications. Please remember that those who have yet to convert their meters will need to visit their local municipalities for assistance, as new credit tokens cannot be loaded onto unconverted meters.

We appreciate everyone’s cooperation during this important process and look forward to supporting municipalities and customers alike in achieving full compliance.

2. White Paper on Local Government:
MinMec received a comprehensive report detailing the process for updating the White Paper on Local Government. This report unequivocally assesses the ongoing efforts to refine the White Paper by identifying both successful elements and failures from the past 24 years of local governance. Utilizing an evidence-based approach, it critically examines two decades of experience within local government and three decades of democracy, with a determined focus on building upon what has worked while implementing essential improvements to meet our mandate.

While celebrating the significant achievements within the local government sphere over the past 24 years, the report also confronts the persistent challenges that have hindered further advancement. These challenges must be addressed, as they stem from the outdated assumptions of the 1998 White Paper in light of changing dynamics. The review strategically identifies obstacles within the local government framework that must be overcome.

Drawing from various studies and the insights of experts and practitioners, this review aims to catalyze necessary change in local governance. Provinces will be instrumental in coordinating their contributions to the revised White Paper. We are committed to delivering a robust discussion document by March 2025, followed by a draft of the updated White Paper by 2026, ensuring a more effective and responsive local government system.

3. Status report on the Constitution of Traditional Councils:
MinMec received and acknowledged the Status Report on the Constitution of Traditional Councils, which serves as an important update and a call to action for the MECs to support the establishment of tribal councils. The report highlights that provinces are making notable progress at different stages in the constitution process of traditional councils. MinMec encourages all provinces to remain focused and work collaboratively to ensure that all Traditional Councils are fully constituted by the end of January 2025.

The report included specific progress updates for each province, showcasing their commitment to monitoring project plans. This proactive approach demonstrates that provinces are well-positioned to meet the upcoming deadline for establishing traditional councils. Minister Hlabisa commended the provinces for their efforts and achievements so far in this important initiative, recognizing the vital role traditional councils play in their communities.

4. Update on the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill:
MinMec has received a constructive update on the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill. Although the court found the Act to be unconstitutional and invalid, it has suspended this invalidity for 24 months, allowing us time to address the concerns raised. The court highlighted shortcomings in the public participation process that Parliament followed during the bill’s consideration. In light of this, MinMec and Parliament have taken proactive steps by approving an executive bill option. Our next actions will focus on publishing the bill promptly to ensure we meet the deadlines set by the court’s suspension period, thereby facilitating meaningful engagement moving forward.

5. Status of Repurposed Community Work Programme (CWP), including review of CWP Policy consultations:
MinMec received an insightful report and update regarding the progress of the Repurposed Community Work Programme (CWP), which includes a thorough review of the CWP policy consultations. The ongoing review process aims to enhance the CWP’s effectiveness, and we are committed to implementing continuous monitoring and evaluation to ensure its success.

6. MIG Quarterly and Annual Report:
MinMec received a presentation on the MIG Quarterly and Annual Report, specifically covering the MIG Annual Report for 2023/24. This report is compiled in accordance with the Division of Revenue Act (DoRA) and will be submitted to the National Treasury. During the update, it was noted that the expenditure of MIG varies from province to province. In some municipalities, funds that were not utilized from their MIG allocations were returned to the treasury. MinMec expressed concern about the unspent funds that could have benefited disadvantaged communities and urged the provinces to assist in improving the expenditure of MIG funds.

Additionally, MinMec acknowledged the challenges faced in implementing various projects funded through MIG. So far, R15.7 billion has been spent out of a total allocation of R16.3 billion. While many projects have been successfully delivered across municipalities, some projects continue to face difficulties.

7. National Fire Services Strategic Roadmap: Vision 2030
MinMec received a report on the National Fire Services Strategic Roadmap: Vision 2030. The roadmap emphasises the vital role of fire services as first responders and addresses the need for increased capacity in terms of financial resources, personnel, and equipment types.

MinMec was informed about the re-establishment of the Fire Services Board and the National Fire Advisory Committee as per the Fire Services Act. There is a pressing need to regulate unrecognized fire services that are encroaching on municipal jurisdictions. Regulations are currently being developed and will soon be finalised. The goal is to make fire services both affordable and accessible to everyone.

This sector is evolving rapidly, and it is essential for all stakeholders to collaborate in strengthening this roadmap. MinMec expressed concerns regarding the lack of funding for this sector, prompting a call for a review of the funding model. MinMec urged that an extensive consultation process be conducted on the National Fire Services Strategic Roadmap: Vision 2030.

Pearl Maseko Binqose – 082 772 1709 (Media Liaison Officer for Minister of CoGTA).
Legadima Leso – 066 479 9904 (Head of Communications – CoGTA).