Quarterly Workshop

BACKGROUND Section 10 (5) of the Division of Revenue Act, (Act No. 2 of 2013) indicates clearly that the National Transferring Officer is responsible for monitoring expenditure and non-financial information on programmes funded by an allocation. The question could then be asked what non-financial reporting and monitoring requirements should be in place within a financial […]

Municipal Infrastructure Grant

The MIG aims to eradicate municipal infrastructure backlogs in poor communities to ensure the provision of basic services such as water, sanitation, roads and community lighting. The Department of Cooperative Governance is responsible for managing and transferring the MIG and provides support to provinces and municipalities on implementing MIG projects.

MIG INDUSTRY GUIDE: Infrastructure Service Delivery Level And Unit Cost

This document An Industry Guide Infrastructure Service Delivery Levels and Unit Costs 2009/10 document aims to:. reflect the broad stakeholder inputs and adoption of infrastructure unit standards and costs; address regional / provincial and sectoral / industry related cost values, as well as to allow for national impacts such as variance in labour rates, fuel and […]

More About MIG
MIG Offices
509 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0001
(012) 334 4860