Entities Reporting to the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

South African Local Government Association (SALGA)

SALGA is mandated: 

To transform the local government sector to one with the required capacity to contribute meaningfully to poverty alleviation, economic development and all socioeconomic opportunities that the state provides for its people


  • Access to sustainable municipal infrastructure and services 
  • Adequate IGR support and international relations 
  • Strengthened community participation in municipal governance

Website: http://www.salga.net

Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB):

The MDB is mandated, in terms of Section 15(3)(b) of the Constitution, to determine municipal boundaries; declare and withdraw the declaration of district management areas, and assess the capacity of municipalities to perform their functions 


Determination and redetermination of municipal boundaries 

Capacity assessments for the district, metropolitan and local municipalities

Website: http://www.demarcation.org.za/ 

South African Cities Network (SACN)

Promote good governance and management of its member cities using the knowledge of large city government experiences within the global and national economic development contexts, and to promote partnerships between or among the spheres of government in the interests of enhancing good city governance in South Africa 


Using shared learning as the basis of inter-sphere partnerships 

Updating leaders on current and emerging changes and trends in urban policy nationally and internationally

Promoting innovation and strategic thinking between cities and other spheres of government

Mobilising the capacity of cities to support local government and national development

Strengthening linkages between cities

Website: https://www.sacities.net/south-african-cities-network/