The Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF) is a policy initiative of the Government of South Africa, coordinated by the Department Of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs(COGTA).
The IUDF seeks to foster a shared understanding across government and society about how best to manage urbanisation and achieve the goals of economic development, job creation and improved living conditions for our people
COGTA’s vision is to build a functional and developmental local government system that delivers on its Constitutional and legislative mandates within a system of cooperative governance.
The Department of Cooperative Governance, working with various partners, has recently released the Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF) which was approved by Cabinet in April 2016. The IUDF is a policy framework on how the South African urban system can be reorganised, so that our cities and towns become more inclusive, resource efficient and good places to live, work, shop and play in, as per the vision outlined in the National Development Plan.
Integrated Urban Development Framework: Draft for Discussion. The Draft IUDF takes forward the arguments and thoughts outlined in the IUDF Discussion Document, and outlines the strategic goals, policy levers and strategic priorities that should inform a concrete implementation plan for attaining the urban futures vision outlined in the National Development Plan.
Towards an Integrated Urban Development Framework. Discussion Document: this document presents the rationale for a national urban development policy.
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South Africa
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